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How to add custom emoji to your Hugo site

·1 min

crying-fading gopher-east-lao

Emojis are an effective way to express your emotion through line of text, giving readers insight into your personality and sense of humor

The standard way to use emoji on the internet: unicode emoji wikipedia

But sometime that’s not enough and you may want to add more, for example:

  • A funnier emoji packs (twitter emojis, facebook emojis…), or even gif emoji.
  • Quickly grab a logo, icon and embed it to the text.

Hugo’s default emoji #

Hugo does support parsing emoji using shortcode

:emoji-name: -> 😄

I believe it’s enabled by default. If not, here’s how you can enable it: ./hugo.yaml or ./config/_default/config.yaml

enableEmoji: true

Add your custom emoji with hugo-vmoji #

I made a little Hugo module to address my custom emoji problem, simply put images in a directory, run a cli command and you are done!

Installation process is documented here , it’s quite simple.
